Ready For Nikah!
The No. 1 Islamic Matrimonial Platform with proven results

Our Mission
To make nikah easy and accessible to every Muslim from anywhere around the world who are ready to settle down but have difficulties reaching out to the right persons with the same mindset as theirs.
To bridge the gap of difficulties, utilizing technology and following the rulings of the Sharia for nikah.
To break the barrier of anti-inter-tribal marriages and uniting the ummah from every tribe and tongue, locally and internationally, in lawful nikah.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We ensure that you get the right spouse through our profiling system and robust database of singles to help guide you in making your choice.

Counselling and guidance
We provide free pre-marriage and post-marriage counselling, in line with the Sharia, to our registered members.

VIP Membership
For those wanting to be anonymous on our platform and still attain the same purpose.

Our Vision
To create a platform where faithfuls of like minds and readiness for nikah can meet and perform marriage rites within the shortest possible time frame in accordance with the sharia while observing the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW).
To give widows, widowers and divorcees an opportunity to be married again.
To propagate the beauty and benefits of polygamy in Islam according to the rulings of the Sharia and the sunnah.
Getting Started is Easy
Find your soul mate
Full access to view comprehensive member profile to get a feel of your match
Unlimited Chat
For subscribed members, you can chat with any member of your choice
Book Appointment
Get sound and unbiased marriage counselling
About Us
The motive behind our platform
Polygamy marriage
Do you need additional wife or wives? We have sisters who are ready for polygyny.
Who we are
Get Counselling
We are always available to give you counselling.
Help our course
Your generosity will help us maintain our platform, pay for ads to reach out to others in need of spouse.
Verified registered members
Total nikah as at today
Up coming event
There are no up coming events at the moment
Real Testimonies
Alhamdulillah am very delighted that Almighty Allah answered my prayer through this platform. I was just surfing for something on my face book when I saw Ready for Nikah among the suggested group invite Facebook sent to me ,at first I felt reluctant but later something in me tells me ‘give it a trial’ and Alhamdulillah I never regretted I did… Read More
Getting married in 2020 seems very impossible after having multiple heartbreaking relationships, this gave birth to unnecessary thinking about where did I get it wrong? As usual, I got to my Facebook page where I came across ‘Ready for Nikah Group’ what first came into my mind was ‘what are they doing here? Which categories of people are in this group?… Read More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh “Let me give it a trial” was what I had in mind before registering with this Noble group, Ready4nikah. Who would have convinced me more that within a month I shall become a “Mrs”? Alhamdulillah. Indeed, Ready4nikah is a platform created by a God fearing mind and for Allah’s sake! Allah works miraculously… Read More
Alhamdulillah am very delighted that Almighty Allah answered my prayer through this platform. I was just surfing for something on my face book when I saw Ready for Nikah among the suggested group invite Facebook sent to me ,at first I felt reluctant but later something in me tells me ‘give it a trial’ and Alhamdulillah I never regretted I did… Read More
It all started in the year 2020.on my news feed on Facebook. I spotted “Ready for nikah”, I passed through it but decided to swipe up and check about it. After going through it, I was initially discouraged because I don’t believe in online dating app. But being an Islamic dating app, I had to give it a trial after one week…. Alhamdulillah! We found each other at RFN.👍 👍All thanks to Allah, gratitude to the brain behind RFN. Jazakumullah!!!… Read More
Annual membership subscription
We charge a token of ₦2,000 as annual membership fee to keep scammers away from our platform, and to maintain the website.
Also, we want to make sure that only serious persons are registered on our platform, hence the access fee. No monthly subscription.
Etiqutte of Marriage
We foster marriage etiquette for both married and singles who are wanting to get married. Read the etiquette of marriage for better guidance.

How does it work?
First, you register by paying the stipulated one-time registration fee.
Then, you create your account with a username, a valid email address and a password.
You create your profile on the next page the loads up, providing all required details marked with asterisks. Please note that your profile is a magnet for getting a spouse. Take it seriously. No profile, no match making, no contacting or communication.
You get a welcome message upon successful completion of your profile with instructions on how to navigate the site and how to join the Telegram Group Chat.
Your profile is shown on the members page for interested persons to go through, indicate interest and contact you.
A person with interest contacts you via the messaging system on the site. You also go through the person’s profile, and if both of you are a match based on the profile, then you engage in communication leading to nikah.
After consent of being a perfect match, follow the guidelines, and inform an admin for exclusion of your profiles from visible search to avoid conflict of interests.
Plan your nikah within 6 months and send your IV to the group. In shaa Allah.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join this platform?
You join by registering, then you create your profile after the registration process. After you have completed your profile, you will be able to access profiles of registered members, but you will only be able to contact them after you upgrade to a regular pro or VIP pro membership with a fee of ₦2,000 0r ₦10,000 respectively as a yearly subscription.
How do I get a perfect match?
After registration and the creation of your profile, you will have access to contact any member of the opposite sex whom you are interested in base of their profiles. They will also check your profile to see if you are a match. If you are a match, maa shaa Allah, you begin to communicate further till you both get engaged.
How soon can I get married after engagement?
We allow the maximum of 6 months after successful engagement. However, should you find yourselves pleasing and comfortable, and you feel you can make nikah within the first few weeks, alhamdulillah. It’s allowed.
Does Ready for Nikah offer financial assistance for nikah?
No, Ready for Nikah does not Offer such financial assistance. We may only give a gift at our own descretion.
Contact Us
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